Taylor Rose to shout-cast SA's official League of Legends IeSF test match against Switzerland.

Taylor Rose when selected to represent South Africa at IeSF's 7th World Championships - Seoul.
On 6 September 2017 MSSA announced that the official IeSF test match against Switzerland shall be streamed on MSSA's channel on TULUNTULU.

The test match forms part of the Protea League of Legends Esports Team's preparations for IeSF's 9th World Championships - Busan.

The South African Protea League of Legends Esports Team shall play from MWEB's MCAVE at the following times:

  • League of Legends (Game 1) - 13H00 to 14H00
  • League of Legends (Game 2) - 14H00 to 15H00
Taylor Rose has established himself as a  well respected League of Legends player.

While at the top of his game, Taylor won numerous Provincial Championships and earned himself provincial and national federation colours. Taylor then went on to represent South Africa in both the 2015 and 2016 Protea Esports League of Legends Teams in both Seoul and in Jakarta.

At IeSF's 7th World Championships - Seoul, Taylor had the honour to be South Africa's flag bearer

With the wealth of knowledge that Taylor Rose has in both the local and international scene, Taylor's shout-casting should be most enjoyable.

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